Our Approach.

Our Approach at Avara.

Avara Pharmaceutical Services
Avara Pharmaceutical Services
Avara Pharmaceutical Services

We Support.

The Pharma & Biopharma Outsourcing Association (PBOA) is a non-profit trade association (501(c)(6)) that advocates for the Regulatory, Legislative, and General Business interests of pharmaceutical and biopharmaceutical Contract Manufacturing Organizations (CMOs) and Contract Development & Manufacturing Organizations (CDMOs).

Founded in 1890, the Drug, Chemical & Associated Technologies Association, Inc. (DCAT) is a not-for-profit, corporate member-supported, and volunteer-led global business development association for companies engaged in the Bio/Pharmaceutical manufacturing value chain.

Each year CPHI unites more than 100,000 pharmaceutical professionals through exhibitions, conferences and online communities to network, identify business opportunities and expand the global market. Hosting events in Europe, China, Korea, India, Japan, South East Asia, Middle East and North America, CPhI co-locates with ICSE for contract services, P-MEC for machinery, equipment and technology, InnoPack for pharmaceutical packaging, Bioproduction for biopharma and FDF for every aspect of the finished dosage supply chain.

The Avara Foundation Inc. is dedicated to supporting non-profit organizations which focus on the following causes, particularly those which are located in the communities in which Avara Pharma Services Ltd. and Subsidiaries maintain administrative, manufacturing or distribution operations. 

Avara Pharmaceutical Services

Avara is an American Industrial Acquisition Company.

American Industrial Acquisition Corporation and its subsidiaries and affiliates (“AIAC”) is a privately held industrial investment portfolio with a long term mission to build enduring businesses.

AIAC’s portfolio consists of 78 manufacturing and distribution sites in 24 countries in North America, Europe, Asia, and Australia.  We own over 6.5 million square feet of industrial real estate and hold the exclusive, perpetual license to responsibly manage 22 million acres of prime Canadian timberland, a land mass equivalent to the size of Hungary.

AIAC has purchased and operated manufacturing units of Ahlstrom, Allegion, Astrellas, Boeing, Carlyle Group, Constellium, GlaxoSmithKline, Jabil Circuit, Johnson Controls, Kodak, Lockheed Martin, Merck, Moog, Northrop Grumman, Novelis, Pfizer, Raytheon Technologies, Rexel Group, The Riverside Company, Sandvik, Siemens, SSC, Suez Group, Tolko, Visteon and other large multinational corporations. In addition to purchasing units of large multinational public companies, AIAC purchases the equity and debt of privately held companies.

Avara Pharmaceutical Services is dedicated to the delivery of reliable‭, ‬flexible‭, ‬and tailored outsourcing services to pharmaceutical companies to support the overarching industry goals of providing life-changing and lifesaving medicines to patients‭.‬

Key to Avara’s ability to work as a true partner to their clients is the company’s ability to rapidly respond to changing client requirements‭, ‬predict future needs‭, ‬and proactively innovate and invest so that‭ ‬it will be prepared with the necessary capabilities and capacity when those needs manifest‭.